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Michael Leander is an international marketing innovator, speaker and educator. This blog rants about marketing, marketing automation and life in general.
From Cracow Poland April 2010 |
From Email Marketing Masterclass Sofia Bulgaria Feb 2010 |
From Email Marketing Masterclass Sofia Bulgaria Feb 2010 |
From EADIM London 2009 |
From EADIM London 2009 |
Having delivered full day internal marketing workshop for around 50 employees at Mladinska Kniga - Slovenia's largest publishers of books, magazine publishing, 60 retail bookstores, etc. - I was pressed for time to finish the preparation for my speech at an email marketing seminar in Ljubljana (organized by Dima Center / Promarket) the next day. But I had to eat. So I walked down to the center of Ljubljana to the same restaurant where I had lunch with that same customer Tuesday afternoon as part of my preparation for the workshop .
After arriving at the restaurant I found a table and ordered a few dishes. But it took quite a long time before the first course was served. I therefore asked to have the bill when they would serve the second course, while I explained that I was getting stressed because I was in a hurry and it was took far longer than expected to get the food. (at this time it was around 21 and I still a couple of hours of preparation for my 3 hour long lecture the next day).
The food was quite delicoius, the coca-cola's tasted like they should, but when the bill was presented it came along with the highly surprising "we have decided that you do not have to pay for dinner - we'll only charge you for the sodas."
I was not quite sure I had heard the waiter correctly and said "excuse me?". He repeated, and I have certainly looked like one big qustionmark. It actually took me the better part of an hour to get over the experience. That's how unusual and world-class it was.
Now that's what I call delivering a fantastic customer experience, and all that at a restaurant that - notwithstanding that many customers are likely to be tourists and business travelers - takes its own quality seriously. Whether or not this is an integral part of their business philosophy or a special case, I do not know. Hopefully when I am back in Ljubljana, I will get a chance to ask them to learn more about their customer experience philosophy.
This was an experience that I will certainly tell to others over and over again. The name of the restaurant in Ljubljana Slovenia is Gostilna restaurant and can be found at this URL.
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From Cyprus October 2009 |
Når man skal fremhæve menneskets utrolige evne for kreativitet, synes jeg at dette i sandhed er et mesterstykke.
Ukrainske Xenia Simonova viser her hvordan hun med enkle virkemidler formår at underholde og berøre et publikum i den udmærkede talentkonkurrence "Talant", der også er populær i Ukraine.
Skulle du ikke fange det med det samme, kan jeg nævne at hun tegner billederne i sand og fortæller en historie, der naturligt nok stadig berører mange (tidligere) Sovjetborgere dybt. Den handler om anden verdenskrig.
Jeg så denne ved et rent tilfælde og blev dybt betaget af Xenia's evner. Ikke "bare" hendes tegne-evne, men i særdeleshed at hun formår at sammenflette så mange forskellige billeder og budskaber til en historie, der på mig virker meget sammensat. Flot.
Hun må da være oplagt som det festlige og eftertænksomme indslag ved enhver marketing konference, der har behov for noget ekstraordinært.