
Murphy's Law at play in Cracow, Poland CEE Loyalty Marketing Conference

From Cracow Poland April 2010
Before and during my presentation At the CEE & Poland Loyalty Marketing Conference in Cracow, Poland, the good old Murphy's Law were at play in a big way.  And I am not only talking about the Ashcloud or the tragic accident which caused the death of many prominent Polish political and military figures.

Facing some 150 conference attendees, I had to stop my presentation to allow for a computer change. And while the break was welcome, I am sure, it was not professional at all. I take part of the blame for not having sent my presentation and video clips prior (which is something I find increasingly hard to do as I prefer to adjust my presentation the day before to allow for last minute (local) impulses).

But part of the blame was definitely the equipment of the hotel. Something I have seen quite a lot lately. Old AV equipment, clip mics that break too easily and monitors unfit to accommodate the amount of people in the room.

While I must do my part to make the presentation work flawlessly, I think it is time that organizers of marketing seminars and conferences, demand a better experience from venues. Especially considering the (unreasonable) amount of money event organizers pay for AV equipment.

Having said all of this, I am sure the organizer Blue Business Media enjoyed another successful marketing event in Poland.

We'll write a follow up when we have received Micheal Leander's evaluation from the Marketing Conference in Poland along with photos from the event.

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